Auchtertool Village
This website is for the community of Auchtertool to enable us to share information about what is happening in our village. It's here that we can keep you up to date about groups, events, developments, issues or any other matters which affect village life. You can also find out a bit about the history of Auchtertool in our history section.
This website has been developed and is maintained by a group of volunteers. The core team includes Dode, Jo, Lorraine, Margaret and Kevin. These individuals also represent various groups in the village including Auchtertool Community Council, Auchtertool Community Trust, Friendship Group, Auchtertool Village Hall and Parent Council.
The website is funded by Auchtertool Community Trust.
Let us know
This website is for the people of Auchtertool so please get in touch with us using the form below if you have anything you would like us to share on the website.
We would also like to hear from you if you think there's something we could improve.

Editorial standards
We really want this website to fairly represent and help our community stay connected. The editorial team invite updates and feedback from all members of the community but we will always endeavour to stay true to our editorial standards:
Honest and accurate
Unbiased and balanced
Beneficial for our community
Accessible to all users