Quite a bit on this weekend so here's a quick summary:
Walk of Peace from the school to the church. Heavy rain is forecast so we will post on Facebook any updates. Please check before you leave home. Wet weather attire required.
Friday 1.30pm Service of Dedication at Auchtertool Kirk. This will be with the children of Auchtertool Primary School and will include artwork display and a discussion on Peace. Everyone welcome.
Saturday 9am Shed demolition. Able volunteers needed to help dismantle the old shed behind the Village Hall.
Saturday 10am The first Drop in Cafe at the Village Hall. From 10am until 12noon. Pop in for a chat and cuppa. No need to book. Just drop in. The October draw of the 50/50 club will take place. The current total you can win is £53.50. If you want to sign up before Saturday's draw, email Tracy on tlambie@btinternet.com. Please do sign up as it's way of fundraising for your Village Hall. It's only £7 to enter until March 2023. There is a monthly draw.
Please wrap up warmly as the new boiler is still a work in progress. It's a bit parky in the hall at the moment but you won't notice because you will be too dazzled by the new hall chairs!